RN CertificationDefinition of Nursing Certification Nursing Certification is the formal recognition of the specialized knowledge, skills, and experience demonstrated by the voluntary achievement of standards identified by an independent accredited nursing specialty organization to promote optimal patient care. Through the completion of specialized education, experience in a specialty nursing practice, and the successful completion of a qualifying exam or portfolio, nurses achieve specialty certification credentials. The process of recertification seeks to assure the public that the certificant has maintained a level of knowledge in the specialty, as well as ongoing participation in activities that support the maintenance of competence in that specialty. Maintenance of certification is accomplished through a variety of mechanisms including reexamination, continuing education, self-assessment, and ongoing clinical specialty practice. Kaiser Permanente is not a recognized certifying body and does not provide any national certification for specialty. Educational training/programs such as: Basic Life Support (BLS), Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), Pediatric Advance Life Support (PALS), Neonatal Resuscitation Provider (NRP), Peripheral Inserted Central Catheter Line (PICC) Training, Oncology Training, Fetal Heart Monitor Training, etc., are not recognized national certification. Numerous studies have demonstrated a positive link between certified nurses and performance outcomes for patients. A study by the Nursing Credentialing Research Coalition in 2000 identified numerous positive outcomes associated when nurses are certified including:
Southern California Kaiser Permanente, in partnership with United Nurses Association of California/Union of Healthcare Professionals (UNAC), agreed during recent 2005 Contract Negotiations to offer "Recognition Payment" for Registered Nurses (RNs) who are certified in a specialty area.
NOTE: For more information about receiving recognition payment for national certification, please see the recommended list of national certification organizations.
Still Have Questions? If you have any questions on the reimbursement process, call local Human Resources.