Quality, Safety & ServiceAs a nurse, you are one of our strongest advocates for quality care and patient safety. And we salute your pride in-and dedication to-the practice of nursing. At Kaiser Permanente, the quality of our care is one of our top priorities. So that we can continue to offer excellent services, we provide our nurses with the latest communications about quality and guidelines. Our Practice EnvironmentAs a nurse, a positive work environment is essential - both to care delivery and career satisfaction. At Kaiser Permanente, we support a collegial environment of collaboration, teamwork, and support so that you can expand the scope of your practice and do and be your best every day. We also provide the best possible tools and resources (human, technical, and otherwise), giving you the support you need to grow and excel. And by promoting and encouraging nurse participation in hospital affairs, supporting manager-growth, and fostering collegial relationships between nurses and physicians, we ensure an environment in which we all can thrive. Kaiser Permanente is also proud of its on-going investments in the technological side of the nursing practice. We are always upgrading current technologies and exploring new systems to improve nursing care though innovation. Kaiser Permanente's groundbreaking electronic medical records system, KP HealthConnectT , is just one example of how we always aim to be at the cutting edge of creating a practice environment where technology serves nurses in their daily work, providing clinical decision support tools to increase time spent in direct patient care. QSENThe QSEN project was designed to help academic nursing professors combine competencies for safety and quality into education, as well as to spread to all nurses, in all nursing environments. |