Maternal Child Health LeadershipMaternal Child Health Leadership consists of Department Administrators, Educators, and Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNSs) involved in providing evidence-based, quality care for women and their newborn children throughout the Southern California Kaiser Permanente region. Southern California Maternal Child Health (MCH) provides full maternal child services at 14 Kaiser Permanente facilities and 13 Kaiser Permanente contracted facilities throughout the region. We provide neonatal intensive care services and full pediatric services for Southern California. In addition, we offer multiple specialty services, such as cardiac, neurology, and high-risk Obstetrics. Southern California Maternal Child Health delivered over 40,000 new Kaiser Permanente members in 2014 and we continue to grow. Vision: Mission: MCH has two peer groups that oversee and drive the work to fulfill the mission. Click on the individual peer group to read more information:
For more information, please contact the Regional Director of Maternal Child Health.